Cyan Cosby
Model & Horticulturalist

What does “Being in the Moment” mean to you?
Being in the Moment” to me means paying attention on purpose. It’s admittedly something I struggle with but I’m working on it! I often catch myself living in the future and I think a lot of that comes from societal pressure. Growing up I was taught to be constantly pursuing a goal, chasing a dream, or preparing for this and that. I felt that if I wasn’t doing that then I was wasting my time. But over the years I’ve learned, there is no wasted time when you’re fully in the moment and experiencing life as it is right here and right now. That could mean focusing on my breath, sensing my feet on the grass, noticing the sounds of the birds, or the flavor of ice cream I’m eating. Redirecting my mind when it strays to the future or jumps to the past. Remember, life happens in the present moment!
What does Feeling Good look or feel like to you in your day to day life?
Feeling Good” to me looks like wearing my favorite comfy supportive shoes, making sure I eat my serving of veggies, flossing my teeth, feeling the sun on my skin, laughing loudly, or having an extra glass of water throughout the day. These small self-care practices really help me show up as the best version of myself possible. I’m kinder to others, more patient, relaxed, and more open minded.

What makes you feel like your most aligned self?
Whenever I feel like I’m losing myself or getting too caught up in the external I take a really long hike. I’m a huge nerd so I enjoy identifying every plant I pass and learning new ones as I walk. There’s something about reciting those long scientific Latin names that really gets me going! Oooh or learning a niche fact about a certain species of plant while I stroll. It really helps me quiet the busyness in my head and slow down. It’s so comforting to know that the mountains, trees, flowers, birds and bees will always be there when I need them. Nature will always bring me back to my most aligned self.