Belmont Cameli

What does “Being in the Moment” mean to you?

What does Creativity mean to you?
First and foremost, it’s my most reliable emotional outlet. My current favorite expressive endeavors are playing drums, piano, writing, and making art. I've discovered that I am dogshit at painting but I’m nasty with a collage.
For me, the best part of creativity is the learning curve. Right now there is no better feeling than sitting on the stool in front of my drum kit, trying to learn a new fill, feeling like there’s no possible way my brain can move my limbs independently enough to somehow make music happen, and then forcing it to though mind-numbing repetition and eruptive frustration, until eventually I can groove it out without having to think at all. I feel like I’m always chasing the feeling of that payoff. It has yet to happen with acrylic on canvas.

What does Feeling Good look or feel like to you in your day to day life?
The first answer that comes to mind is definitely my personal style. I’m a little freak for good vintage. My aesthetic has always been amorphous. One day I’ll feel best in a colorful little combo of a crop top and some low rise baggy trousers, and the next I’ll only be satiated by a monotone ensemble of a big old utility shirt tucked into cargos. Maybe a pencil in the ear for good measure. I’ve always enjoyed matching outfits to my mood. And the ways in which I want to express myself through fashion are constantly changing. So I’m grateful to have built up a collection over the years to suit however I’m feeling as I get dressed.

Where can we find you on the web?