Emily Labowe

What does “Being in the Moment” mean to you?
It’s not always an easy task, ha!
But I think gratitude is what’s most helpful
to being in the moment.
What does Creativity mean to you?
My favorite explanation and embodiment of creativity are a combination of ideas from Rick Rubin’s book, The Creative Act: An Act of Being and The Artists Way. The idea that creativity is an innate part of human existence and that everyone has it available to them to tap into in their daily lives. Creativity is not only relevant to the arts. “To create is to bring something into existence that wasn’t there before. It could be…the solution to a problem…a new route home to avoid a traffic jam” (Rick Rubin). I also relate to the idea of creativity as playfulness and the experience of joy. Tapping into your inner child! No judgments, rules or goals, just a deep desire for curiosity and discovery.

What does Feeling Good look or feel like to you in your day to day life?
Painting. Creating. Coffee outside. Laughing. Family and friends. Moving my body. Time spent with dogs. This might sound simple, but these are the basics for me to feel good.

What makes you feel like your most aligned self?
For me, it’s my daily routine which of late looks like getting up for the sunrise, making a cup of coffee, and painting by the window while listening to music or an audiobook for the majority of the day.